Swindle Info

 SClub46 – the name was chosen many years ago as Sunday Club and there were 46 names on the sheet at the time. There was a certain pop group at the time; the pop group has folded but the SClub Swindle continues to thrive.

 The Swindle starts at 8:00 but you should be ready by 07:55 latest for the draw. A clearly identifiable ball should be used and please remember if you have put it in the hat or not, as otherwise the draw is wrong! We go out in 3 or 4 balls depending on the numbers involved and try to use all 3 starting tees, therefore the delays in teeing off are minimised. New joiners start playing off two shots less than their club handicap.


£5 is collected per player:

• £1.50 of which will be paid to the winner(s) with a maximum pot of £50, we do not do countback

• 50p goes to the designated 2’s hole which rotates between 3rd, 8th, 12th, and 15th. again this is split if we have more than one 2

• £1 goes to the Blobby Pot which subsidises a weekend and day away, though if you have a blobless round your £1 is returned !!

• The balance of £2 is retained and pays for the end of season prizes, trophies, social functions, charity donations and staff Christmas tips etc

There are usually small side bets played amongst each match (four-ball better ball match play), whilst this is normally only for £1/£1/£2 it is a great source of pride to take the money rather than it being a serious bet.



Handicap Adjustments are:
• 1 shot for the winner(s) plus additional category cuts for each point better than 36
• For all players category cuts for each point better than 36
• No adjustment for category buffer zone
• Plus 0.1 back for any player scoring less than the category buffer zone


• We run both a summer and winter electric competition, which start and end with the changing of the clocks.
• The best score on each hole is accumulated to arrive at a “dream round”, this is then adjusted by subtracting half the player’s start of competition handicap. The Hall of Fame Tab shows the winners of the years.
• We also run a League over the calendar year with the winner becoming the SClub Captain for the following year.
• A minimum of 18 rounds need to be completed to qualify for the League and the winner is the player with the best average over their best 12 rounds.
• We have an annual competition on the anniversary of the death of our friend and former Swindle organiser. The format is the same as a normal Sunday with the winner decided on countback if necessary.


Handicap Adjustments are:
• 1 shot for the winner(s) plus additional category cuts for each point better than 36
• For all players category cuts for each point better than 36
• No adjustment for category buffer zone
• Plus 0.1 back for any player scoring less than the category buffer zone


• We have an annual golf tour normally in May each year. The format tends to be 3 days / 3 rounds with an overall winner decided on countback if necessary. The tour also features two teams with daily four-balls and singles match play matches accumulating to an overall teams score. Tour results are shown on the Hall of Fame
• The Captain for the year is responsible for organising an away day at a venue of his choice, normally in the summer.  
• The Captain for the year is also responsible for organising a weekend away day, again at a venue of his choice, normally in September.  

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